Spraypaint the isomorphic, framework-agnostic Graphiti ORM


Similar to ActiveRecord, you can simply call #save() on a model instance. Spraypaint will create (POST) or update (PATCH) as needed.

#save() returns a Promise that will resolve a boolean - true when the server returns a 200-ish response code, false when the server returns a 422 response code (see validations). As always, anything else will reject the promise.

  let blog = new Blog({ title: "My Blog" })
  let success = await blog.save() // POST /blogs
  console.log(success) // true/false

  blog.title = "Updated Title"
  success = await blog.save() // PUT /blogs/:id
  console.log(success) // true/false
  var blog = new Blog({ title: "My Blog" });
  // POST /blogs
  blog.save().then(function(success) {
    console.log(success); // true/false

    blog.title = "Updated Title":
    // PUT /blogs/:id
    blog.save().then(function(success) {
      console.log(success) // true/false

After saving, the instance will automatically pick up any server-assigned attributes:

  let post = new Post()
  await post.save()
  post.id // server-assigned value
  post.createdAt // server-assigned value
  var post = new Post();
  post.save().then(function(success) {
    post.id // server-assigned value
    post.createdAt // server-assigned value

If a Model was instantiated with data from the server, isPersisted will return true. This means that we can assign IDs on the client without any adverse behavior; we can also manually mark objects as persisted for testing purposes:

  let blog = new Blog({ id: 123 })
  blog.isPersisted // false
  await blog.save() // POST /blogs
  blog.isPersisted // true
  blog.id // 123

  // Manually mark an instance as persisted
  blog = new Blog({ id: 123 })
  blog.isPersisted = true
  await blog.save() // PUT /blogs/123
  var blog = new Blog({ id: 123 });
  blog.isPersisted // false
  // POST /blogs
  blog.save().then(function(response) {
    blog.isPersisted // true
    blog.id // 123

  // Manually mark an instance as persisted
  var blog = new Blog({ id: 123 });
  blog.isPersisted = true
  blog.save() // PUT /blogs/123

Notably, only dirty (changed) attributes will be sent to the server. This prevents race conditions and unexpected side-effects. In the following example, Post has attributes title, description, and createdAt:

  let post = (await Post.first())
  post.title = "updated"
  // ONLY title sent to the server
  await post.save()
  // Title is now synced with the server
  post.description = "updated"
  // ONLY description sent to the server
  await post.save()
  Post.first().then(function(response) {
    var post = response.data;
    post.title = "updated";
    // ONLY title sent to the server
    post.save().then(function(response) {
      // Title is now synced with the server
      post.description = "updated";
      // ONLY description sent to the server